You can see that in just 12 days,
Nathan had started to put some weight on

These were taken July 5th. We lost Noah later that night.


July 11th.. when we had lots of visitors that week! My Mom, My Aunt Betsy, my Grandmother, my sister and her husband, their little boy Josh, Randy's Mom, and his two sisters all came to visit us that week. Plus friends from Randy's Squadron at Sheppard AFB.



Unfortunately, after we lost Noah and our "honeymoon" period was over. Nathan also took a turn for the worse. We didn't know it at the time but his PIC line had become infiltrated and this caused his body to retain the IV fluids and his little kidneys couldn't handle it. So he went into renal failure and we were told that he had about a 5-10% chance of making it through.

July 15th... Nathan had literally swollen overnight. They thought he had an infection.. the same one Noah had gotten as he had swollen like this also.


This is July 19th.. Nathan was swollen from the fluids and he was losing oxygen saturation. His skin became tight and dark.


Nathan's monitor. We stared at it for hours every day. The top number is his heart rate, second number is respirations (he isn't taking any of his own in this pic) , bottom number is oxygen saturation. Which should preferably be way above this for your vital organs.


July 22... Nathan had swollen so much he couldn't fit in the little Wee-Pee diapers anymore. So they put a regular Preemie diaper on him and let him lay in it.

This was our little corner of the *world*. Nathan's isolette was right across from us we sat in our chairs doing puzzles and reading books or sleeping.... watching a portable dvd player.... for hours a day....


July 31, Nathan had started to improve once they knew it was his PICC line. It was replaced and slowly things started getting better. I even bought him a hat!