During August things went pretty smoothly. It was pretty much waiting to come off of the ventilator, learning to nipple from a bottle, maintaining body temperature and getting big enough to go home!

August 10th, Nathan got mad when they changed out his tubes!

August 14th. By now we were off the ventilator (WHOO-HOO!) And had our "gear" on. The C-PAP was too heavy to stay up on it's own so they used the goggles (normally to protect from the billi lights) to hold them up!

We also started getting held alot at this point. Randy and I had decided to pretty much leave Nathan alone until he was off his vent. He didn't like it when the covers were off his isolette too much. The first time I held him it was only for about 10 minutes before he started de-satting and had to go back in.

August 22, we were off of C-PAP and on regular oxygen! You can see my face now! I'm so pretty!

August 26th, Still Growing!

And look at those numbers! Top number is heart rate, middle one is respiration, and bottom is his oxygen saturation!


August 31st, we had been eating from a bottle once a day for 2 days! Only took about half an ounce to an ounce but go us!

I think he finally got tired of me taking pictures!